Friday, December 2, 2011

Grandma Hips at 18? Say What?

So basically. I got hip surgery Sept 20 2010. I got it because I had been in pain 24/7 for about a year and a half. Yup that sucked. So we finally figured out what was wrong which was that my hips are genetically shaped wrong so they had to shave off some bone and stitch up my tissue that had been torn cuz of my retarded bone. I was on crutches for a month but couldn't really do much until januaryish. So I only got to ski four times. THATS IT. It was rough. So obviously I have been extremely excited for this ski season! BUT. Guess what. My hip is constantly in pain again. Just like before surgery. EFFFFFF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!! So next week I am probably getting a cortizone shot and then I will most likely have to get surgery again. I might murder someone so watch out.