Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Honesty is all I ever ask for. I'm not blogging about this because of any specific event that has happened recently, I just want to blog about how important honesty is to me, and to most people. Obviously I haven't been 100% honesty my whole life, but who has? No one. It doesn't happen. But we can do our absolute very best, and we should never ever lie to the people we love. Boys should never lie to girls, and girls should never lie to boys. Sometimes the truth hurts, but its easier to get over the truth one time then to try to get over a thousand lies. Don't feed me shit just because you know the truth will hurt me, I am a big girl and I can handle it. If you think the person you are going to lie to can't handle it, they need to learn sometime. Its always better to be honest, and thats something I still tell myself. Honesty is something we all work on for our entire life, its one of our tests so treat it like one. Don't lie to me. 

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