Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Still Playing Catch Up

Ok there's more. Last Tuesday me and Amy went on a double date with Ryan (her missionary who just got home) and Cody (this boy that I can't freaking get over and nobody knows why). It was way fun! We went bowling! Cody kinda sucks haha...but I'm not that great either so it was fine.

Last Wednesday me and Holdy got to go skiing!!! Sooooooo great:)

Thanksgiving was awesome we got Ian almost the whole week it felt like which was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
It was a way fun thanksgiving:) 

Playing Catch Up

So basically I have kind of sucked at blogging lately sooo I think I'm just gonna post some pics to update.

On Friday Nov 18 I went to the Lone Peak football game. It was the state championship. They had an undefeated season and won the championship. Awesome that it was a year after I graduate but whatev still happy :) I went with Holden and our friend Hunter Trowbridge. Crystal was also there and sat with us for a bit.
Oh ps before the game, me and Crystal and Amy went to the midnight of Breaking Dawn!!
After the Lone Peak game, Rick and Rachelle came and picked me up and we headed to Idaho to visit the Footes for Max's state championship game. They ended up losing but I really just went so I could see Mason:)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time for a Break

Wow. Freaking wow. It has been too long since we had a break from school. BYU for some strange reason does not do a fall break. So there are no breaks until thanksgiving! Thats wayyyyyy too long. Next week is thanksgiving, and I feel like everyone around here is just about to explode. I know I am. Me and Whit got in a lil argument last night and I know its cuz everyone is just in terrible moods cuz everyone is super stressed out. We all just needa chill, honestly. Myself included! I just needa go skiing. Once I go skiing, I will feel better. I just need that fresh mountain, snowy air in my system!! I NEED IT NOW!! haha I am freaking out I am so excited to ski. Also, today I realized how badly I really need to visit Europe. I gotta start figuring out study abroad so I can get my ass out there!! We will see what happens:)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Freedom

I love the Mountains,
Its where I'm free.

Thats where my heart is,
Thats where you'll find me.

Fresh air,
Open air.

I feel close to my God,
I feel worth it.

Take me back,
To the Mountains.

If You Do This...We Can't Be Friends.

Thanksgiving is its own holiday. It is actually a pretty damn big holiday too! So WHY ON EARTH are there any people in this country that skip it. I do not understand. Christmas is obviously the best holiday and everyone looks forward to it after Halloween is over, but what about Thanksgiving? Can't you wait to put up Christmas decorations until its over?? Its only a few more weeks! And then there is less time to get annoyed of Christmas songs so obviously you'll enjoy it more! I honestly can't stand it when people just skip right over Thanksgiving, when I have kids, they are going to be just as crazy as their mama and they will yell at people who hum Christmas songs before Thanksgiving, and especially people who turn their Christmas lights on, put up their trees, and put decorations all around their house. BEFORE Thanksgiving has even happened. So when I get married... my husband better agree with me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I'm in a funk. Thats what my dad called it. We had a good chat the other day about being in a funk. It doesn't mean you can stop. I'm having a hard time, but I'm still me and I'm still strong. That should be motivation enough to keep going. I am still me. I have gone through some nasty shit lately but its for my own good. I know its making me a better person. Life is hard but DUH. Ya its hard but you keep going anyway. Thats just the way it is. I've found some new motivation. We will see how long this one lasts. 

BY THE WAY. Total side note. Boys with earrings? Kinda gross. Just saying.