Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Missionary Letters Make My Day:)

This is Elder Brayden Matheson:) I like to call him my missionary. I don't think that its official though...can you have official missionaries? Haha whatever. Anyway. We dated a little before he left and I loooooove getting letters from him. They make my day every time. He keeps me working hard to be a good girl. He is a big motivation that helped me change myself after the summer I had. He is doing awesome in California, he has some really hard days but his example of dealing with hard days helps me deal with mine. Missionaries amaze me and I think they are all so incredible. I hope my brothers can be great missionaries one day just like many of our uncles and family and I hope many of my friends decide to serve worthy missions and I hope I can write them as well:) 

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