Saturday, September 24, 2011

Turtle Train or Cheetah Express?

I am a very impatient person. Its something I have to work on constantly. I am impatient in every aspect of my life. I hate waiting in lines, waiting for texts, waiting for calls, waiting for parties, waiting to hang out, waiting for food (this is a big one), waiting for anything really. Waiting for boys. This is a serious issue. I hate waiting for boys to make up their minds, to kiss me, to admit something, to call me back, just whatever. Recently, I started hanging out with this guy, James. We went on our first date on September 13, so about a week and a half ago. After that, we hung out every night. We get a long so well, our personalities just click. We talked a ton during those couple of days about anything and everything. I told him about how rough my last few months have been and he told me all about his life. I have had the worst of luck with boys. I had a terrible terrible boyfriend for a year and a half and finally broke up with him in April of this year. Since then, all I've dealt with is stupid boys that hook up and make me feel like crap, until James. EXCEPT there is a lil problem. This week, he acted super weird. All week he was avoiding me, avoiding texting me, and avoiding hanging out with me. I didn't know what to do. Thursday ended up being one of the worst days I've had to deal with since Ian left for life line and I really needed someone to be there for me. But guess what, he wasn't there. Friday, I explained that I need someone around who is going to be there for me when I really need them. I'm done messing around. He explained he likes me and wants to take it slow because he wants it to last. That is a very sweet thing to say but I am the most impatient person you've prolly ever met in your life. So now looks like I am stuck on the turtle train instead of the cheetah express where I would much rather be. Its ok, I have a feeling this one's gonna be worth it:) 


  1. Maybe if we drug him with Speed or spike his morning cereal with energy drinks he'll speed up ;)
