Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Baby Brother

My baby brother Ian. An amazing kid. We used to fight a lot, when we were younger. And when I say younger, I mean up until about six months ago. The thing is, I used to be uptight and kind of a bitch. But then, I found out Ian was struggling with drugs. It took me awhile, but I realized how much he really needed me. In about May, we started to be really close. Then in the summer, we started partying together, which brought us even closer. We still fought, but I am so thankful for how close we became. It happened for the wrong reasons, but either way its going to important that it happened for the rest of our lives. Two days before I moved down here to Provo, Ian was picked up for rehab. I know it is the right thing, but its killing me. I miss him so much. Every time something funny happens, or I go out with a new boy, or anything. I just want to tell my brother. But I can't. But I'm dealing with it. Especially now that I have been sober for about a month, I've found the right way to deal with it and we are getting even closer. I get to see him every Thursday night and we get to talk for a few short minutes with our whole family. He is doing so well and Thursdays have become the longest days ever waiting until its time to leave for life line. Because it is a Thursday and I'm thinking about it a lot, I decided I would post some pictures and memories. 
This is from a time in the summer when I took Ian and our other brother Holden to trafalga. It was raining like hell so all we did was play a round of glow golf. It was a lot of fun to be with just my siblings for a few hours.
Kid Cudi concert! Woo it was unreal. We had a way good time. 
July 4th me and Ian spent most of the night wandering around PG taking hilarious pictures and freaking people out. Ian found this giant tree branch and put it through his shirt and stuck it in the back of his pants. It was soooo funny the looks we got. I also had a not as big branch that I just carried around and pointed at people with. 
Cree and Jessica's wedding. We were a bridesmaid and groomsmen. This night we became way close. It is a fun memory. We danced like idiots and ate bites off a bunch of random pieces of cake.
I miss him every single day and he is always on my mind. I can't wait until he gets to start coming home a few days a week. I am so thankful he is my brother and I am so proud of him. I love you Ian <3


  1. hes a cute kid- glad that he is doing better!

  2. Maddy.. your Brother is way good looking!! You're doing great girl!! :) And i am positive he is too :)
