Wednesday, January 4, 2012

back to the daily grind (at least thats what everyone else says)

well provo I'M BACK. and ready to raise some serious hell :) i'm super pumped about this semester because first of all, i'm only taking 8 credits so my schedule is not bad at all M and W classes from noon to 3 and fridays from noon to 2. yup thats it. no classes tuesdays and thursdays yay!! also, i have another writing class this semester and i am excited to start working on my major! also, i moved into helaman halls!! totally new adventure in the dorms. but i already LOVE my roommate she is great! we get along super good and its only been a day. her name is Amanda Jolley and as soon as we take pics I will post some! She went to bingham and is like a freaking math genius. Our room is tiny but who cares I'm jus excited to meet tons of new people! Thats my goal this semester. Especially in the boy area. I SERIOUSLY need some new boys in my life. I definitely met two on NYE and smooched we will see where that ends up. I'm jus excited for this new adventure :)

On a not so happy note however. Even though I know no one really reads this and this is pretty much purely for my own sake, a good friend of my brother Ian's killed himself this past weekend. On new years eve in fact. It is a HUGE tragedy as he was dearly loved by so many. However he was deep into hard drugs and was not in his right mind at all. I pray that he is finally at peace and I picture him smiling at me now thinking "I'm finally breathing fresh air again." I love him and he will always be remembered in my family. RIP Brandon Michael Vance.

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