Sunday, January 1, 2012

i officially suck at blogging

So its been about a month. Haha my bad! lots has happened with ya know, boys and all that shit so i'm not really gonna go into details we will jus skip ahead and talk about my awesome New Years Eve!! oh but first I'll mention that I'm getting hip surgery on february 2nd so thats great:(

New Years Eve me and Amy went to Newphoria at UVU!! SO FUN.

just about ready to go!!

we met up with hollie and mallory and their friend!! 

and then we went to a different party so Amy could have her new years kiss with Ryan :)

That ended up working out for me cuz even though i kissed a super hot guy named Sherard at the UVU dance, i met an even cuter and closer to my age boy at the loft who i also kissed! Then we went to dennys and it was yummy and then came home at about 3am. Succesful New Years Eve with my best friend Amy Salo :) 

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